
Get to know Natasha!

Yoga Teacher

Natasha Rodrigue

Natasha Rodrigue began practicing yoga in 2015 in effort to become more physically fit. This led her on a journey of self discovery and healing which quickly sparked her passion to learn to teach. Yoga appealed to her sense of purpose, reconnected her to her inner voice and creativity. Having been an athlete long ago, it was so satisfying, encouraging and comforting to be able to regain the familiarity of moving and having a dedicated practice once again.

Natasha is creative by nature and also teaches art to children. She is a proud, doting mother and wife who loves camping, and is an avid foodie. Her other passions include watercolour painting, gratitude journaling and jewelry making.

After 500hours of Yoga Alliance accredited teacher training at Energie EnCorps, Natasha looks forward to helping others explore the benefits of yoga while learning to become more in touch with themselves.

Join Natasha for Yoga Core, Wednesdays at 12:00pm and for Prana Flo, Wednesdays at 5:15pm.

Mantra: breathe • enJOY • beYOUtiful • be well