
West island Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Services

Welcome to Energie EnCorps

Located in Pointe-Claire, Energie EnCorps West Island offers a holistic approach to health.  Our team of professional practitioners and therapists, work in collaboration with our yoga and fitness staff to help bring out the best version of you possible.

Booking and cancellation policies

  • Make an appointment request online or call (514) 505-9642.
  • Appointment requests are approved by email or phone.
  • Credit card information will be collected at the time of booking. 
  • An email or text will be sent 48 hours before the appointment, requesting confirmation.
  • Appointments with a late cancellation of 24h or less are charged 100% of the appointment cost.
  • Unconfirmed bookings will be cancelled.
  • Appointment requests made within 24 hours require therapist confirmation.
  • Requests made after 24 hours can be instantly approved.

Massage Therapy

Positive physical touch always creates an energetic shift in the body towards healing and relaxing both body and mind. Massage helps to release tension, relax tight muscles, improve joint mobility, impart a sense of calm and relaxation, and increase blood and lymph circulation, thus improving immune function.


Osteopathy, also known as the osteopathic approach is a manual therapy discipline. Its main goal is to help restore the human body’s natural equilibrium and harmony. Osteopathy is a discipline based on the anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of the human body. Please wear fitted clothes to your appointment. Leggings or shorts are recommended.


Our naturopaths works with you by focusing on some of the causes of health problems that may be part of your lifestyle. They analyze your natural health factors in order to provide you with a complete plan. Each plan is personalized including recommendations on several lifestyle habits, advice on natural products when needed, grocery list, guide to vitamins, minerals and trace elements, food combinations and associations, consistency techniques, etc.


Reiki is about creating the space and time for relaxation and rejuvenation of our-selves. So that we can truly identify our emotions, physical problems, and see blocks within our body. When we relax this is when we create an opportunity for healing. A Reiki healer will use their hands to deliver and direct universal energy into your body and auric field to shift energy that no longer serves us and invite loving, gentle, and relaxing energy to balance and soothe your chakras and energy body.


Acupressure therapy is a holistic approach in Chinese Medicine and is based on creating balance and re-establishing circulation in your body. This type of therapy is used to free up energy blockages that cause health issues such as insomnia, headaches, and stress. An acupressure practitioner will use a noninvasive technique that directs and facilitates the movement of energy in the body to help restore the systems to a state of balance. By applying pressure to specific points in the body near the meridian or energy lines for 1-3 minutes each, energy will begin to flow freely throughout the body.


Meet with our registered dietitian to discuss healthy eating habits, easy diet modifications, and a “balanced nutrition”. Learn how to identify food groups and the micro and macronutrients that fuel your engine and drive your body to work optimally. Find out what you should know about food labels, how to eat for disease prevention, and how to eat to cure existing conditions and ailments.