
West island Holistic Health and Wellness

Private Yoga

Deepen your Practice

A private session allows for a more intimate view into YOUR practice. You can start a new practice, deepen your current practice or spend some time working with an injury or specific goal or concern.

Booking and cancellation policies

  • Make an appointment request online or call (514) 505-9642.
  • Appointment requests are approved by email or phone.
  • Credit card information will be collected at the time of booking. 
  • An email or text will be sent 48 hours before the appointment, requesting confirmation.
  • Appointments with a late cancellation of 24h or less are charged 100% of the appointment cost.
  • Unconfirmed bookings will be cancelled.
  • Appointment requests made within 24 hours require therapist confirmation.
  • Requests made after 24 hours can be instantly approved.