
Get to know Marina!

Masssage therapist

Marina Makeeva

Marina is a Registered Massage Therapist (RTM) with over 20 years of experience and is a member of the AMPQ as well as SNMQ associations. She received her Health Counselor diploma from the CCAM in 2011. After that, in 2014, she received her Reiki initiation, which she now masters.

Fun fact! She has been practicing Tai Chi and Qigong since 2011, and has participated in International competitions in individual as well as group programs.

From experience, she states that by stimulating the body, balancing its energy and calming the mind, you can restore natural harmony of health and joy of life.

massage west island

You deserve a break

Massage is one of the oldest healing arts in the world dating back over 3000 years.  Positive physical touch always creates an energetic shift in the body towards healing and relaxing both body and mind. It helps to release tension, relax tight muscles, improve joint mobility, impart a sense of calm and relaxation, and increase blood and lymph circulation, thus improving immune function. Massage has been proven effective in the treatment of a host of chronic conditions, including low back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, immunity suppression, stress, depression, and more.