Marie-Josée Cabana

Nutritionist at Energie EnCorps West Island

Get to know Marie-Josée Cabana Nutritionist Marie-Josée Cabana Marie-Josée has a Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics from McGill University and works as a Registered Dietitian since 2007. She is a member of the Ordre des diététistes nutritionnistes du Québec (ODNQ). Marie-Josée began her career in a CLSC providing home-support to the elderly as well as general […]

Hélène Dubois, Osteopath, D.O.

photo of osteopath Helen Dubois

Get to know Hélène! Osteopath (D.O.) Hélène Dubois  Meet Helene Dubois, Osteopath. We are excited to welcome Helene Dubois to our team! With a strong background in osteopathy since 2021, Helene has experience treating a diverse clientele, including children and pregnant women.  She earned her degree from the Académie d’Ostéopathie de Montréal, where she completed over […]