
130h Sadhana Continuing Education and Practice Series 2025

130h Sadhana Continuing Education and Practice Series

Sadhana is a Sanskrit term used to refer to a daily spiritual practice. Sadhana represents a disciplined surrendering of the ego, in which the practitioner uses tools such as asana, pranayama, and meditation regularly. The Sadhana Continuing Education and Practice Series are designed for advanced-level yoga students who have completed both the 200h and 300h Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training programs at Energie EnCorps.

The philosophy of the Sadhana program is to cultivate consistency and learning space for our most advanced students. The group would consist of dedicated students committed to the idea of the sangha (community) that practices, shares, and learns together.

Discipline is the hardest part of staying on the path of yoga. This group is meant to keep the spirit and fire of yoga alive, and to create a sense of community and accountability to one another. It is designed to help one another stay committed and to develop a personal sadhana (practice).

This is an ongoing continuous education program that students may participate in year after year. Topics may vary from year to year, but will always be layered upon the principles of Ashtanga Yoga. This is a recognized Yoga Alliance YACEP Continuous Education Program.

What is included in this program Continuing Education Program:

Advanced-level yoga workshops, clinics, and discussions building upon established principles of the Ashtanga Yoga tradition (primary and intermediate series).  Topics each day will always include asana alignment, adjustments, modifications, progressions, use of props, counter postures, and philosophy. All poses will be presented with accessible options for everyone.

The Pillars of the Practice:

  • Energetic lines of Yoga: Practicing and teaching based on the Ashtanga principles of energetic pathways. Understanding how this philosophy makes the practice accessible to all.
  • Subtleties of Bandha: As the years go by, the understanding of bandha grows stronger. What does it mean to be connected? Where are the connections? Isometrics, antagonists, and agonists create locks in the body. Using the breath to strengthen and mobilize the deeper layers of bandha. How to move from the outer body to the inner body? How do you communicate these subtle instructions to a student and when is the student ready for this?
  • Pranayama and Meditation: Research and exploration of pranayama sequences and meditation methods from different traditions. Experiment with different methods to cultivate consistent practices for yourself and others.
  • Yoga Anatomy:  Developing a better understanding of body mechanics, analyzing individual needs and determining which methods work for the individual in terms of body and mind

Cultivating Balance:

Continual exploration and development in the subtle, non-physical aspects of yoga, with a focus on the importance of meditation and the cultivation of philosophy. Each year, the content of this segment is customized to align with the group's interests. Previous topics have included:

  • Yin Yoga and Chinese Meridians: Dive deeper into the world of Yin Yoga. Group exploration of different classes with different teachers. Discussion and experimentation with postures to work therapeutically and to complement a dynamic asana practice. Develop a better understanding of myofascial release and how this can be attained through yoga and other therapies. Incorporation of Chinese Meridien philosophy into class themes and teaching dialogue.
  • Restorative Yoga: Research and exploration of restorative yoga practices. Playful discovery using props, sequencing, and themes. Experimentation to incorporate these teachings into our own personal practice or classes. Dive deep into the dialogue required for a restorative-style class.
  • Yoga Nidra: Group exploration of different classes with different teachers. Discussion and experimentation to incorporate these concepts into our classes.
  • The opportunity to enrich your practice and teaching through sharing with other dedicated yoga practitioners.

Teaching Refinement:
  • Hands-on adjustments:  On-going adjustments clinics and partner work to refine the practice of manual adjustments and bodywork.   Learn to work more closely with students, going deeper into postures with them. Incorporation of simple massage and therapeutic touch techniques to augment the student and teacher dynamic. 
  • Experience and Share Knowledge:  The process of understanding deepens when you have the chance to share your knowledge. We will have the opportunity to share our thoughts and learnings based on shared experiences. (i.e. workshops, books, online classes, presentations) Our discussions will help you to reshape your own practice or teachings. Opportunities will exist to be a guest teacher on YTT weekends, not included in the schedule below.
  • Teaching and receiving feedback:  Experiment with new teaching methods followed by peer feedback and self-reflection exercises. Offering teaching feedback to one another will be a critical part of this year’s program, enabling us to continue to grow. Teaching and assisting opportunities will exist on our weekends or monthly meetups, as well as through optional karma classes, subbing, and group works with newer YTT students.


Saturdays from 7:30 am - 4:30 pm. Each day would include a practice, followed by a workshop and clinic.

  • April 5
  • May 3
  • July 12
  • September 13
  • November 7-12:  YogaHOP Discovery Trip (tentative dates)
  • December 6
  • January 17
  • February 15

COVID update: The option of in-person with social distancing or hybrid classes may be necessary depending on official covid health guidelines. Plans for stability and continuity exist despite the possibility of covid restrictions. Procedural masks and personal disinfectants are required for any activities requiring physical contact.

1 Monthly Mindfulness Meetup: A virtual zoom check-in with the sangha. A way to keep us all connected and encourage one another. The schedule will alternate monthly between open discussions, planned activities, and discussions based on the topics listed above. A detailed list of topics shall be provided for each date.

Students will have the opportunity to lead and or present material if desired. A forum to learn from one another. A chance for questions and answers with your teacher.

Dates: Apr 8, May 6, Jun 3, July 8, Aug 5, Sept 9, Oct 7, Nov 4, Dec 9, Jan 6, Feb 3

Times: Tuesday, 8 pm - 9:00 pm

Commitment to the regular practice of 1-2 times per week. In order for this program to be a success, all participants must be committed to a regular Mysore and/or Ashtanga yoga practice.

Additional workshops and presentations (optional):  All Sadhana students are welcome to attend the presentations of our special guests who will speak to our YTT and Mentorship students. The schedule is yet to be finalized.

Energie EnCorps is an active participant in the global Ashtanga community, consistently featuring top-tier guest teachers in our studio. The lineup of guest teachers for our yoga teacher training program varies annually. Past instructors have included Patricia Amado (Miami), Lotta Sebzda (Norway), Emilia Arenas (Miami), Jody Manley (Halifax), Bhaskar Goswami, Bram Levinson, and more. The final roster for the upcoming training is yet to be confirmed.

YogaHOP - Discovery Field Trip: November 7-12 (location to be determined).  The cost of this excursion is not included in the tuition.  

Itinerary planning, coordination with local studios, class reservations, and booking of travel, and accommodation will be managed by Energie EnCorps.  Administration fees have been included in the cost of the tuition.

Reading material: (Books not included in tuition)

  • Astanga Yoga Anusthana, Sharath Jois
  • Anatomy Made Simple, Stu Girling
  • The Living Gita, Swami Satchidananda
  • Yoga Makaranda: The Nectar of Yoga, T. Krishnamacharya
  • Yoga Mala, Sri K Pattabhi Jois

This program is for you if you:

  • Are committed, willing, and desiring to integrate yoga as a daily part of your life
  • Are willing to practice regularly with the sangha
  • Are willing to receive feedback
  • Are committed to attending all sessions

APPLICATION FORM: https://bit.ly/35maxkW 
CONTRACT FORM: https://bit.ly/3LmMlht 

Course Breakdown:

130 hours of YACEP Continuous Education Program Credits
90 contact hours and 40 non-contact hours

Cost: $1950 + tax

Special Offer: 30% off unlimited EnergiePASS membership at Energie EnCorps for all Teacher Trainees covering the 10-month duration of the course. This is highly recommended as regular practice is mandatory for this program.

Payment Options:

To reserve your spot for 2025, a $500 non-refundable deposit.

Early bird special: $1850 if paid in full before February 25, 2025, OR

Installment plan (via credit card or post-dated cheques)

  • 1st payment: $ 900 by March 1st, 2025
  • 2nd payment: $525 by June 1st, 2025
  • 3rd payment: $525 by August 1st, 2025


All payments are subject to GST and PST. No refunds will be provided. Missed hours can be made up in the following year's teacher training.

Certifications: At the end of the course, students who fulfill all the requirements will receive a 130-hour Certificate of Yoga Training which is recognized by Yoga Alliance.


To register online for the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL, click SIGN UP below. To register using the payment plan, please call the studio at (514) 505-9642 or come in person.

* Energie EnCorps is one of the very few yoga schools recognized by Revenue Québec as an educational institution. This allows you to deduct your yoga teacher training costs from your provincial income taxes as an educational expense.

Need more information? Please feel free to call the studio to sign up for a free information session or to book a private meeting with Rozel. (514) 505-9642.

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