
Get to know Skarly!

Naturopath, ND

Skarly Nader

Skarly is a certified, Naturopath, ND. She graduated in 2015 from l’Institut International de Naturopathie and today is a teacher at this institute and continued her studies in naturopathy and aromatherapy until 2019. She developed a great passion for natural health after battling the difficulties of living with ulcerative colitis. 
For several years now, she has been working in the field of alternative medicine in order to successfully bring a glimmer of health into the life of the others.
Naturopath TEacher

Optimize your health

Naturopathy takes its name from the English words “nature” and “path”, meaning the “path of nature”. It is one of the components of science and alternative medicine,  and it consists above all in educating and making people aware of a healthy lifestyle.

Our naturopaths works with you by focusing on some of the causes of health problems that may be part of your lifestyle: diet, restful sleep, physical exercise, stress management, water and air.