

Why see a nutritionist?

Has your doctor recommended that you consult with a nutritionist?  Have you decided that you want to speak to a professional about healthy eating or your diet?

Working with a nutritionist is the best way to get personal advice about food and lifestyle choices that can affect your health. They will help you identify eating habits and patterns, answer any questions about food or nutrient needs, and give you knowledge and skills to help you make the most out of your food choices.  Find out what you should know about food labels, how to eat for disease prevention and how to eat to cure existing conditions and ailments. Get menu guides and customized meal plans to stay on track with your health improvement goals.

We understand the challenges of eating right and we are here to guide you and support you, building strength or just living well.  Other reasons to consult with a dietician include: Weight management, healthy menu planning, understanding food labels and nutritional values and personalized food plans for disease prevention and management.

Insurance receipts are provided upon request.

For your convenience, all nutritional consultations can also be done via zoom.   Links to be provided upon registration. Credit card information must be provided before consultation.

Booking and cancellation policies

  • Make an appointment request online or call (514) 505-9642.
  • Appointment requests are approved by email or phone.
  • Credit card information will be collected at the time of booking. 
  • An email or text will be sent 48 hours before the appointment, requesting confirmation.
  • Appointments with a late cancellation of 24h or less are charged 100% of the appointment cost.
  • Unconfirmed bookings will be cancelled.
Mason jar full of food. Nutrition advice
Discover our Holistic Nutrition Program

Overall, this program will reconnect you to your body, mind and to the food you eat. You will discover a new inner strength when faced with obstacles that have previously challenged you.  You do not have to do this alone!  Our nutritionists will guide you towards your goal of healthy living and eating.

Discover our 3 Phase Program

Preparation Phase

The first month, the preparation phase focuses on educating and analyzing personal behavior. You will gain conscious awareness of the decisions you make, your self-talk and how your feelings impact your actions. This is also where all the learning of nutrition comes into place: you will learn how to balance what is on your plate, what meal plans work for you and how to identify what you should eat.

The Action Phase

The action phase is when you work more in depth with the tools and techniques to achieve the actual behavioral change. You will determine which tools and what eating plan works best for you.

Fine-Tuning/Maintenance Phase

The last phase is when you are able to adopt the given tools and information in your daily life with an independence. Any adjustments or re-evaluations will be acted upon with the support and guidance of our nutritionists and you will have to check in’s to discuss your progress and to assess what your future plan of action is.

Bol of fruits. Nutrition.
We are proud to announce a new collaboration with Équipe Nutrition, a Québec based nutrition company that has been in business for over 10 years.  You will notice a new regular face at our centre, nutritionist Marie-Josee Cabana who will be on-site every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday!  If you wish to book an appointment with her in studio, or online contact the Equipe Nutrition team at  514-943-6896 or email  contact@teamnutrition.ca.  Let them know that you want to meet with Marie-Josee at her Energie EnCorps office.  A registered dietitian will take you through some questions to help prepare you for your first meeting.  
Energie EnCorps is proud to be able to care for our clients from A-Z.  Our goal is to Help You Shine from the Inside Out!

Meet our team of nutritionists

Nutritionist at Energie EnCorps West Island
Marie Josée Cabana, PDt

Marie-Josée has a Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics from McGill University …