
Get to know Desiree!

Naturopathe, ND

Desiree Abecassis

Desiree is a dedicated Naturopath from Montreal, Canada, with a fervent passion for natural medicine. With over a decade of experience in clinical Naturopathic practice, she has honed her expertise in the field. Desiree’s journey in the realm of natural health began during her teenage years, where she first delved into the world of natural health supplements. Specializing in aiding individuals dealing with IBS and digestive issues, Desiree’s commitment to improving health in this area is unwavering. She extends her private consultation practice globally, providing online guidance to clients seeking holistic solutions.

Desiree’s extensive formal education includes a 4-year Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies, a 4-year certification in Naturopathic Medicine, as well as 3 years of comprehensive training in Homeopathy. She has also delved into the intricate worlds of Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicines. As a Health Educator, Desiree has conducted online programs and taught local whole food culinary classes, sharing her wealth of knowledge in natural medicine. Her profound love for this field is evident, and she eagerly anticipates the opportunity to engage and exchange insights within communities spreading the message of health and wellness.

Naturopath at Energie EnCorps West Island

Optimisez votre santé

La naturopathie tire son nom des mots anglais "nature" et "path", ce qui signifie "chemin de la nature". Elle est l'une des composantes de la science et de la médecine alternative, et elle consiste avant tout à éduquer et à sensibiliser les gens à un mode de vie sain.

Nos naturopathes travaillent notamment avec vous en mettant l’emphase sur certaines causes de troubles de la santé pouvant siéger dans le mode de vie.